Big Spender Chaturbate Course: What, When & How Much

I’ve been talking about my latest course project for this website for what feels like an age now. The good news is, all of this extra time has meant that it’s become a polished beast, that will have some real actionable tasks, solid data, how-to’s and a way to consistently track your progress and grow. It has grown from a simple course that I had planned to make in a week to a monster that has been in the works for close to 6 months. It will have hours of videos for you to watch, worksheets and even it’s own follow along to-do list that you can check off daily/weekly. This means although you will be able to purchase it here. It is also getting it’s own standalone website. A lot of you have been incredible loyal readers and given great input into this site for nearly two years now. I have a list of you, you’ll be getting day 1 access for FREE.

If you’re newer here and what you read interests you. Then go ahead and sign up to get day 1 access at a high discount. I’ll specify below in the how much section.


    In terms of what you will find in the course, I’ll give you the rough headings now. Each of these sections will have a video, daily tasks you can follow to help replicate and a worksheet to ensure you understand the key points of each section.

    Course Curriculum

    • The Cam Business Basics
      • What is the “Cam Industry”
      • How does it Work?
      • What are the major Platforms?
      • What is a “Cam Model” & How to Join?
      • What is a “Cam Affiliate” & How to become one?
      • Creating your own system (re-create videos from the crash course)
    • My Experience of a High Spender (A Case Study)
      • $250,000 spent in 6 months
      • My Commissions ($50,000 from one User)
      • Who is he? How do I know?
    • Let’s Define a High Spender
      • The different types of High Spenders (Whales)
      • How much do they spend per month?
      • What percentage of cam viewers are high spenders
      • What are my chances of catching one?
    • An Investigation: What does a High Spender Look Like
      • Country
      • Age Groups
      • Likely Jobs
      • Likely Interests
    • An Investigation: Why does a high spender spend on cams?
      • The Girl
      • The Competition
      • The Real-Life Draw
      • Other Factors
    • How to now find your own high spenders
      • How to capture them on your page
      • Most effective marketing materials
      • Tracking is key to not losing them (How I lost & Regained a High Spender)
      • How long will it take?
      • Are there ways to grow outside of cams with the same advice.
    • Conclusion
      • Your Worksheet (A to do list, tasks, tracker etc to allow you to do what I do daily)

    The Cam Business Basics section is covered mainly in our current course, which if you’ve purchased already you’ll get an additional $75 off the new course as a thank you and a way of allowing you to start now even if you’re waiting for the course. We’ll email you with the new course when it’s live and you’re discount code.


    The good news is, the course content is complete. I’m simply adding the final polishes to the course and getting the new standalone website and software ready for it, which is included with the course.

    Cutting directly to the chase, the course will be live for one of the biggest cam weeks of the year: 22nd February.

      How Much

      Now, finally, let’s get to the brass tax. What is this course going to cost you. The standard price will be $499 usd, however if you use the pre-sale box below, you’ll get a day 1 email, giving you $200 off (50% discount) so you’ll be able to get it for $199 for up to 30 days after launch. If you’ve already bought our starter course, then you’ll be offered the course for only $125 as our way of saying thank you. The justification for this price is that we’re showing you an exact example of how we built our system, how we make it earn and how we found, lost & regained, a customer that spends an average $250,000 per year, netting us a $50,000 profit. That’s from 1 Customer.

      If you can’t pay all of this at once, then sign up below not only to get the discount but also the software will be available separately to help on your journey and we’re also finalising out a payment plan where you can pay for the course over 6 months to ease the burden.

        Thanks again to you all, we’re really excited to share this with you and enjoy your feedback. See you on Valentine’s Day.

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