Let us talk BimBim Affiliate. A new opportunity for us all. Given every new person who enters the industry things get a little more competitive. Also customers become a little more scarce. Not that customers for porn will run out anytime soon.
However the latest big opportunity is BimBim. Today I want to focus on why it’s affiliate program from AWEmpire blows Chaturbate out of the water! Also AWEmpire are the owners of Live Jasmin in case you didn’t know.
Before I jump in, if you want to read about BimBim overall or you are looking to be a cam model then check out this link.
Also be sure to view our FULL FREE guide to becoming a Cam girl if you are new to the industry!
What is BimBim Affiliate?
BimBim is a new platform from AWEmpire and it is basically an adult version of Instagram. It is focused on cam girls and live pornography. It’s a pretty epic platform. However even more epic than the platform itself is it’s affiliate platform. If you’ve never been an adult affiliate before, let me explain what an adult affiliate program is quickly. If you already have one, then skip to the next section about why BimBim Affiliates is an incredible opportunity.

An adult affiliate program is a simple way to make a lot of money online. Basically it works like any other affiliate program allowing you to send traffic to a website. I one of the people you send makes a purchase then you make a commission on each sale. I run through this business model in detail in this post and how you can earn serious income.
Why is it such a big opportunity?
The reason that BimBim Affiliate is such a massive opportunity in comparison to for example Chaturbate Affiliate is due to two different simple reasons. The commission rates and the “every signup counts as new rule”. Let me explain.
Commission Rates
The commission rates on BimBim are much higher than that of Chaturbate Affiliate. It starts off at 45% commission on every sale, when compared to Chaturbates 20% and even BongaCash at 25%. On top of this, if you refer models you can make 10% of everything that this model earns. Which could potential account for a huge amount. Even more income than Chaturbate’s one off $50 referral bonus.

Every Signup Counts as New
This is the one that really makes all of the difference compared to Chaturbate or Bongcash. This is the reason I see it as a massive opportunity. When you start now, in 2020, on adult affiliates you will hit a big problem. Even if you can send a ton of traffic to each platform, a lot of the traffic you find will already have an account from the past. This means you earn nothing.
However with BimBim affiliate, members of Live Jasmin do not count as current members so you earn the commission. On top of this, every new registration counts as new. This means that if you start NOW, you will be able to beat everyone else. Get users to the site as quick as you can.
Earn an income for as long as the platform is around. So what are you waiting for? GET STARTED!